Saturday, September 25, 2010

Welcome to Pune...finally!

 It's been a long journey and yes I do believe life is a journey. I remember the days I used to blog from Bangalore airport, during my training days. I had wonderful time in Hyderabad with friends. Bangalore was a place where I had my first big project, and finally after almost two years...Pune :D

 Pune is a beautiful campus, one of the newest of Infy. There are two egg shaped landmark buildings. The ECC is well, really really huge. Best thing is, it is surrounded by mountains and I get a mountain view from my ECC room. Feels like dream does'nt it!

 I met all my all my old friends here and there are a hell lot of them here, so its lotta fun as well. Also I am now in Microsoft project, so that's a good thing as well. Only drawback I would say would be that the campus is way too far from city and it is almost mandatory to have a vehicle here. Also the nearest residential area are a bit far.

 Today I saw Step Up 3D. Hehe...funny thing is, this was my first 3D film. My friend thought the movie was amazing. I think its like ok, not that gr8! Glad to see a 3D movie though, don't feel like watching 2D now :D . Also I believe the best utilization of 3D effects would be more apparent in action films.

 Nothing much really, my dear sis is roaming the chapa chapa of US ;) , goes on crazy long drives every weekend, glad she is having fun. Hope to join her some time soon :) . Big bigger Vishal is roaming  internationally, I just came to know he is now director of 4 companies, I am happy for him. Vaibhav is always there with me and even today while going for movie on bike, I remembered how crazy bike rides we used to have in Mumbai.

 Some say life is a journey and they say life is an adventure, I dunno what to say, just live in the moment and enjoy it!