Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Will the world end tomorrow~!

As physicists get set to recreate the Big Bang, German chemistry professor Otto Rossler predicts that their experiment will actually create a mini black hole that will suck all life and light into it and lead to the end of the world. On Wednesday, somewhere below the French-Swiss border, scientists at CERN (a European organisation for nuclear research) are getting ready to drive two beams of particles into each other at close to the speed of light in a machine called the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

This will recreate the Big Bang and answer questions about the origins of life, the universe and everything. Black hole creation Though no one really knows what 'will' happen, all sorts of theories of sudden annihilation abound.

CERN's strongest opponent Otto R, a German chemistry professor, argues that just as with the Big Bang, this experiment too will create a mini-black-hole, an intense gravitational field that will keep sucking in matter until the entire world, and all its light, is gone. To counter the bad press, a rap video on CERN is doing the rounds on YouTube.

Presumably made by the young scientists of the organisation, the video explains everything related to the project in a fun, literally off-beat way. The hugely popular video reiterates a statement made by CERN Director General Robert Aymar: "The LHC will enable us to study in detail what nature is doing all around us.

The LHC is safe, and any suggestion that it might present a risk is pure fiction." If Thursday comes And in case you wake up Thursday morning and wonder why doomsday didn't arrive, the Mayans might have an answer for you.

1 comment:

BHAKTI said...

Thanks for this post...I was not very aware of this important experiment until I read this.

For some reason, this topic does not seem to be a big deal here in the US!