Friday, November 29, 2013

Untitled Part 3 - The Ant Relativity

Link to Untitled Part 2:

Untitled Part 3

  It all started that night. The night of 20th November, 2013 (Star date: -310885.08). Still long time for star date zero to come. Another important chapter in the history of the universe. The story is about Mr. K. The story is about a simple human being, whose astonishing thinking ability, helped the human species, not only meet The Prime but also instrument the concept of time travel. This chapter reveals yet again, how the power of a human, changed the fate of human species for good.

 Mr. K was a master of The Theory of Relativity. He was one of kind, with the likes of Da Vinci, Galileo, Newton and Einstein. Not only Mr. K understood the theory perfectly, but also extended it to help human species evolve, and travel across the universe in space and time. Theory of Relativity mainly explains and justifies the following 3 concepts: First- Measurements of various quantities are relative to the velocities of observers. In particular, space and time can dilate. Second - Spacetime: space and time should be considered together and in relation to each other.Third - The speed of light is nonetheless invariant, the same for all observers. These 3 concepts were extended to a fourth concept by Mr. K called 'The Ant Relativity' - Every species has it's own limitation, a species cannot think about dimensions and comprehend facts, for which it is not evolved enough.

 Coming back the the night of Star date: -310885.08. It was the onset of a season called winter, which is characterized by comparative lower temperatures. Mr. K was trying to sleep, due to the lower temperature the fan was kept off. Due to this, there were mosquitoes buzzing around Mr. K, and he could not sleep and then he started thinking. What is the world of a mosquito? What does it do in it's lifetime? Humans have knowledge of physics, and have evolved enough to understand the actualities of the universe. It can explain the mechanics of atoms and quarks, as well as the realities of the milky-way and the universe. A simple little mosquito has no idea about these things.

 A mosquito, has no idea who human beings are! A mosquito does not even know, that it is called a 'mosquito' by human beings. It is simply incapable of things, human beings are capable of. The Life Cycle of a mosquito involves 4 stages- Egg, Larva, Pupa and Adult. The average life span of a female mosquito is 3 to 100 days. the male lives 10 to 20 days. Also there are many interesting facts about mosquitoes which make it different form humans.

 The point of all above is, keep a human being in place of a mosquito. A human being also has a lot of limitations. Human beings, can understand the actualities of the universe, but as of Star date: -310885.08, has not even traveled to another planet in it's own solar system. Humans are like mosquitoes, or even an ant for that matter. The question to ask is: Is there a species, which is superior to humans, and which always keeps an eye on the humans from the distance of the infinite space. There may be a concept of Realms, where there are 7 Realms for example. Seven different universes, all parallel in time and space. Humans are simply not evolved enough to understand or even think of a possibility of such a complexity.

 The concept of the thread. The divine thread that binds all the objects in a universe. The concept of hangers, hangers where the solar systems are aligned to. Simply unbelievable and unthinkable concepts exist in the universe or universes. Humans will not be able to understand them, until they contact another species, and learn from it. It's an analogy to humans teaching a thing or two to mosquitoes about human life. It sounds impossible, but with Mr. K, anything is possible...

 One must not underestimate, the power of humans. Same as other species like ant, who are capable of doing things that humans find astonishing, humans will also reach great heights in the fields of physics, mathematics and astronomy. Humans will one day define the infinite and go beyond it, go beyond the speed of light, beyond the limitations of the universe...

 Link to Untitled Part 4: 

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