Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Poker Diaries

 To start with, this is like my 6th post in September. Well actually it is 6th post in less than 6 The reason behind that is my Optimus Prime is down, and I have an office laptop for a week, so utilizing it to the fullest, and quenching all my apetite for blogging! My last post was kinda milestone for me, I had done major changes in my blog layout and widgets, so that post was to maximise space utilization in the new layout. I put in around 2.5 times the pics I normally do, however I am very happy with the end result.

 So life is awesome as it is. \m/ Today is Sunday, today and tomorrow is week off. I slept pretty late last night, around 04:30AM, as yesterday's post was pretty big, informative and required to put in some time, but hell I am passionate about blogging, and many of my master pieces in this blog have come after

 Getting to poker, I was pretty sure I had blogged about it before. So I did a quick search in the blog using the search widget on the blog. This is what I found, the blog is from 1st Jan, 2011. I read it and went down the memory lane. It was the time in Infosys Pune DC. #ItFeltGood , and that is the reaosn why I write. I was new to poker than, learning and progressing, the title of the blog post is pretty slick: Today? Four of a kind , well that is something you would expect from me, won't you! I am not very humble I know, and that is something you would expect from me too!! :)

 My wonderful sister had gifted me a steel case, James Bond style poker set as my birthday gift when I was in US. I used to play a lot of poker in US, and she sensed it and got me this. I am really thankful to her for all that she has done for me, and the support and advice she has given me, every now and then...Thanks Bhaku...Love You..

 Let's talk more of poker, I bought the poker set here last month. Started playing with my good amigoz Anshul a couple of times. Today was a bad day for me, I was short of sleep, and not thinking straight. I thought I had a full house, but I actually just had a set of 2 pairs. Another reason is I was playing 5 card poker with Mohitbaba yesterday, and I play Hold - em poker with Anshul, so mindset was a bit different there too. I suffered a heavy loss, I managed to survive somehow, and had something after 3 hours of poker. 

 I learnt a lot about human nature today. I learnt that it is something important to loose in life. Winning is important, but something losing teaches you a lot more. You rethink where you are in life, what are your priorities. I had pending work of iron man since 3 weeks, only after loosing today I competed it. I also have to study, I also need to control my spendings. I need to take care of my health, need to work out and have proper sleep. All this and more would not have come, if I had not lost today, so am grateful for what happened :) 

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